'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house I couldn’t find my toothbrush … was it taken by my spouse??? The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes that maybe I’ll get a new Sonicare! And I need some more floss, all tied up with a bow, So the fact that mine has been empty... read more »
As the hot days of August come to an end and we start to notice chilly nights and cooler mornings, we start thinking about the change to fall and back to school! We understand that schedules and routines go out the window during the summer, with non-existent bedtimes and meals and snacks whenever. It is important to get your child's... read more »
It seems like common sense; baby teeth fall out, adult teeth come in. But sometimes there are certain teeth that don't ever come in, and it's not because they're impacted or stuck in the gums. When this happens, it could be because a tooth is congenitally missing, which means a person is actually born without a permanent tooth. Another word... read more »
So often we think of “baby” or primary teeth as not being important. However, the complete opposite is actually true! Remember, those primary teeth are holding everything in place and preparing the mouth for the permanent or “adult” teeth that will come in later. If primary teeth are lost too early, due to decay or other reasons, your child's smile... read more »