Welcome to the Newest Member of Our Queen City Dental Arts Family!

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It's a joyous occasion! Our very own Dr. Stenvall has welcomed a new baby. We are thrilled for Dr. Stenvall and her growing family, and we wanted to share this wonderful news with our Queen City Dental Arts community. Emma joins big sister Hannah in this exciting new chapter of their lives. Both the mother and baby are doing well.... read more »

Migraine And Headache Awareness Month: How To Relieve Pain

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June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. Over 3.1 billion people, or 40% of the population, were affected globally by headache disorders in 2021. More women suffer from headache disorders than men, most likely due to hormonal factors. While there are many causes as to why people get headaches and migraines, it may be something that you should mention to... read more »

A Beautiful, Furry And Heartfelt Showcase For National Pet Week

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We may only take care of human teeth here at QCDA, but we do love our furry friends as well! Many of us have pets of our own at home, and we know how much a part of the family they can be! In honor of National Pet Week, we decided to showcase some of our team’s favorite fur babies.... read more »

Essential Insights And Prevention For Oral Cancer Awareness

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When we think about going to the dentist for cleanings and fillings, we typically are focused on the prevention of future problems with our gums and our teeth. But one thing that often gets overlooked or forgotten is oral cancer. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Here's what you need to know. Every year, about 53,000 people in the U.S.... read more »

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning, Dental Edition

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It's that time of year again! Clean the baseboards, change the air filters, vacuum under your bed... and re-invigorate your dental regimen! Here are a few easy tips for keeping up with spring cleaning for your mouth. Spring Clean Your Smile 1) Replace your toothbrush: That cool new toothbrush that you got in your stocking this Christmas... it's time to... read more »

What Is Your Mouth’s Love Language?

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It's the time of year when we show love to all of our friends and family by giving them cards, flowers, chocolates ... however you show them that you care. But what do you do to show your mouth love? Well, there are lots of things that you can do to show your mouth that you care. 1) Brush: It... read more »

January Is Dental Drill Day

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January 26th is Dental Drill Day! Although the sound of the dental drill isn’t most people’s favorite sound, we can appreciate the evolution of the dental drill over the years. There is evidence of dentistry being performed as far back as 7000 BC… I wouldn’t want to see what their drills were like! In the mid-1800s, dental drills were powered... read more »

Merry Christmas From Queen City Dental Arts

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'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house I couldn’t find my toothbrush … was it taken by my spouse??? The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes that maybe I’ll get a new Sonicare! And I need some more floss, all tied up with a bow, So the fact that mine has been empty... read more »

Secrets to a Healthier Smile with Diabetes: Your Guide to Oral Care

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We all know someone with diabetes or may even struggle with diabetes ourselves.  We also know that diabetes is a disease that affects our entire body, including our oral health.  One of the main challenges of diabetes is controlling blood sugar.  People with high blood sugar also have a higher concentration of sugar in their saliva, which puts them at... read more »

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