It's the time of year when we show love to all of our friends and family by giving them cards, flowers, chocolates ... however you show them that you care. But what do you do to show your mouth love? Well, there are lots of things that you can do to show your mouth that you care. 1) Brush: It... read more »
We got a call from a man (we'll call him Bob) after hours last week, complaining of a tooth that was throbbing and keeping him awake for the past few nights. He then admitted the tooth had been hurting him on and off for months. Why didn't he call us sooner?! For the simple reason that he was afraid of... read more »
It seems like common sense; baby teeth fall out, adult teeth come in. But sometimes there are certain teeth that don't ever come in, and it's not because they're impacted or stuck in the gums. When this happens, it could be because a tooth is congenitally missing, which means a person is actually born without a permanent tooth. Another word... read more »
We’re all probably guilty of consulting with doctor Google and convincing ourselves that we have any number of diseases and maladies. Fortunately for us, we’re usually wrong in our diagnosis! If you’re ever worried that you might have a dental cavity, here are a few things to look for so you can make a more accurate assessment. Sometimes, a tooth... read more »